Jan 31, 2011

Midnight mind wanderings

I couldn't sleep last night...not at all. Ok, maybe I slept for about 3 hours total. You know those nights where you just lay in bed and try everything you can to trick your body into thinking its exhausted. Ya, it was one of those nights. My pillow's too flat, I'm hot, I'm cold, my pillow is too fluffy, one of the dogs is snoring, the house is too quiet, could everyone just stop sleeping so loudly! Nothing was going my way. Finally around 5am, I fell into blissful sleep. And then my alarm clock went off at 6:30. Not cool.

So, between 12 and 5, I had a lot of time to think. Isn't it crazy the stuff that runs through your head in the dead of the night? Here's a sample of my crazy wanderings:

I try to focus on deep breaths to help me fall asleep. Well, breathing deeply made me think about yoga, and how I really would like to start up again. Then it reminded me of when I came home from 'The event we don't speak of' and Steve (my oldest brother) stayed in the room with me listening to me sleep just to make sure I was ok.

Big Bro Steve and I
Then I thought about how much I like to just listen to the sound of my husband sleeping next to me.
(handsome hubs)

When the deep breathing didn't seem to help, I started focusing on all the house noises. One of the dogs getting up and moving around, the floor above us creaking, the lights from cars driving up the street. Then I couldn't get this scene out of my mind...

Thank you Jeremy & Joey. Thank you very much.

After I couldn't stop thinking of the aforementioned scene, I had to sing primary songs to myself to calm down and not be so freaked out. Songs like 'Give said the Little Stream' and 'Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam'. It worked. Always does.

Finally, after stressing over several misc things; (i.e. is Max comfy? Is Ashka chewing her blanket? What will I wear to work tomorrow? What car should I drive? What Starbucks do I stop at? Should I go running after work? What should I wear to run in?) I passed out. About time too. Let's hope tonight is not a repeat. I don't think my brain can handle it.

And not mentioned in the post, but equally loved, our Dito...


1 comment:

Audra said...

I love primary songs too when I'm freaked out! Love your blog keep it up!